Saturday, March 26, 2011

Such a relief

The dreary weather continues to drag on and it seems as if Spring will never come.  Today we saw a few glimpses of the sun, only to be replaced with dark clouds that rained huge drops and I think even a bit of hail.  Normally I'd be complaining even more, but today the weather was the least of our worries. 

Our newest Caracal, Carrie, hasn't been feeling good and hasn't wanted to eat for the past two days.   Renee has been keeping a close eye on her, but after two days it was time to take her in to the vet.  It never pays to wait and once again, we were right.  An x-ray showed a bone lodged in her intestine, so she went in for immediate surgery.  Thankfully everything went well, and she is now home.  Although a little woozy, she's feeling no pain and we expect a full recovery.  I have to say, I'm happy to go back to only having the weather to complain about :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Looking into the face of despair . . .

When will it end? This is the face most folks don't want to see  or acknowledge. Feral cats, either born on the streets, or cats that one time had a home, thrown away, abandoned. For the survivors, their existence is filled with horrific pain and suffering. Yet people continue to breed and sell cats when thousands end up in shelters with no hope of adoption or worse, left to fend for themselves on the streets. Shame on all of us who turn a blind eye to the animals that suffer in silence.

One of our Directors was contacted and told that a young feral cat was seen missing an eye.  He was trapped and taken in to our vet, where they neutered him, removed what was left of his damaged eye, cleaned up the wound on his ear, treated him for worms and fleas and all after they tested him and found he was FIV positive. 

The surgery and care that we provided will certainly heal his wounds, but to truly save him we need a home.  I'm ashamed to admit, when I was told he was FIV positive, I wanted to put him down. It's a terrible feeling to realize that I've become practical, letting my head rule my heart when it comes to situations like this.  But I know, just how difficult it is to find homes for any cat - let alone one with FIV.  Will some angel step forward to give him a second chance at life? A feral cat with FIV? I have my doubts, but our Director is convinced it will happen and I can only hope that some how this story will have a happy ending.  

When I look into this cat's face I feel so much shame and sadness .  .  . Shame for not doing more, and so very sad, that these incredible souls live life with no hope. Please consider volunteering with your local feral cat groups, Step up, be their voice and help end this suffering, it's the moral thing to do and together we can make a difference.