Thursday, December 16, 2010

That's our fluffy boy :)

This time last year we were in crisis mode. Sir was down for the count and it looked like we were going to have to make the call we never want to do. At 15 years of age, Sir had never been a very healthy cat. He came to us weighing only 12 lbs. as a seven year old lynx.  An inappropriate diet had left him with metabolic bone disease and other health issues but over the years we were able to manage his problems. Then December 2009, it seemed we had done all we could, we were losing him. He stopped eating, was lethargic, and just looked terrible. The vet recommendation was that it was time to put him out of his misery, which I was ready to do, but Renee refused to give up on him. She called in every favor she had ever earned over her years of working with vets and was relentless in her quest to find out what was wrong. Every day for a week, we had to hold Sir down and give him huge amounts of fluids and different meds, which was traumatic for him and for us. Dr. Regina Tobin a board certified specialist in small animal internal medicine worked with us doing all she could diagnosing and recommending options for Sir. Finally after two weeks we found that Sir had an infection that was crazy tough to diagnose but now we had our answer!  Fast forward a year later Sir is thriving! Fat and sassy he lives on the front deck where we can keep a close eye on him but he's doing better than ever! He has a beautiful view of Mt. Hood and can see everything that goes on at the sanctuary. We do understand that at 16 years of age, he is an old man, but to have him happy and healthy is wonderful! We are so thankful to Renee who refused to give up on this beautiful boy, and it made me realize that we do make miracles happen each and every day :) Hugs to you Sir, we love you!

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