Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Sadie!

Seems like only yesterday (instead of nine years ago) that Wild Thing surprised us by giving birth to this little serval bundle. Both Wild Thing and Chirpy had come from a local breeder who placed all of her cats with us when she moved to Texas. She could have sold them all, but instead choose to allow them to live a better life. She told us that both were sterile and being naive back in those days, we assumed we had time to spay and neuter them. They were with us only three weeks when Sadie was born. We were totally shocked and upset,  realizing we should have known better. Wild Thing was as surprised as we were and after two days refused to care for little Sadie. I was beyond frantic, having no idea what to do to care for a baby that needed to be bottle fed :( My good friend Tammy Thies flew in and while neither one of us had any experience with babies, we managed to get her started on the bottle. As sad as it was that Sadie didn't have a mom that knew how to care for her, it was even sadder that she had to rely on me :( Thankfully Sadie thrived despite my inexperience and today is a beautiful, happy healthy girl!

We've come a long way since then, having kittens born at a sanctuary is something that should never happen. With so many animals euthanized every day, bringing more babies into the world goes against everything we stand for. But truthfully, Sadie brought so much joy, I can't imagine life without her. Experience and time has taught us many things, we are not the same people who bought that tiny bobcat so many years ago. We've made mistakes, but each mistake teaches us and moved us along in this journey of life. We're proud of the work that we do and what WildCat Haven has become. And Sadie is one of those mistakes that we will always cherish!

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