Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sometimes you just have to close your eyes and jump :)

As a rescue facility who has always worked with the smaller wildcat variety, we feel pretty comfortable with our knowledge of the animals we care for. Give us a cougar anytime, we can provide a wonderful lifetime home. Servals, lynx, bobcats, no sweat, we got it down :) But it isn't enough .  .  . Every day tigers are bred and sold, used for photo shoots at road side dumps bringing money in that doesn't go to give the animals a better life. Instead once they get too big to sit in someone's lap, they end up in Animal Finders Guide or exotic auctions or sold to people who think a 400 lb. tiger would make a cool pet to keep in the back yard. It's something that we've known for a very long time but still we resisted, thinking that what we do is enough.  I was kidding myself .  .  .


 The animals that need rescue the most ARE the tigers. The sheer number of big cats that are bred and sold have filled sanctuaries across the US. It's crazy but true. Sanctuaries who at one time were able to provide for the cats they took in, now find that their numbers are overwhelming and the current economy has seen their donations shrink away. They are asking for our help.  So .  .  . what do we do? We do what we have to, we take a deep breath, close our eyes and jump :)

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