Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Sheba!

Beautiful Sheba came to us from Minnesota. She lived her life alone in a corn crib in someone's backyard. When the owner's decided to sell their home, Sheba became an issue. Seems a bobcat in the backyard doesn't help home sales. So Sheba was dumped off at a sanctuary in MN who took her in, but didn't have the space at that time to keep her, so they sent  her to  WildCat Haven.

Sheba has thrived at our sanctuary. She lives with two other bobcats, and she keeps them on their toes :) This girl is the first to play with her tether ball, chase a feather toy or roll in catnip. She has such a huge personality and it shows us that no matter what the circumstances of their lives before, things can turn around for them at WildCat Haven :) We love our birthday girl, Sheba!

See Sheba's birthday wish here :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Phew! Done for another year

CATSino Royale is now just a memory :) After months of planning and hard work having it done is such a relief :) Leslie and Jan do the lion's share of putting this together and it's never easy. But they did, and other volunteers stepped up to help and the end result was professional and fabulous :) Scott Tom our emcee & auctioneer did a fabulous job, and people seemed to really enjoy the casino games. We raised some much needed funds for the wildcats and I think we made some new friends as well :) I will post pics as soon as I get them.  Now on to next year :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday Keisa!

Oh dear, we missed Keisa's birthday.  She was a little bit miffed but seemed to forget all about it when she got a special treat of chicken hearts and a new feather toy to play with :) Thank goodness she doesn't hold a grudge!

Read Keisa's birthday message :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday Musings

Seems I'm playing catch up these past few weeks. Even with Renee here full time, I'm  behind on all the office work.  "CATsino Royale" Big Cat Bash is right around the corner and each year these benefits seem to take more and more time. But hopefully all the hard work is worth it and we have a great event and bring in lots of funding for the wildcat rescues. With donations down everywhere this event is so important.  Winter is right around the corner and we still have lots of projects to finish. But who am I kidding, there's always projects to finish, no matter what time of year it is, that's rescue 101 :)  But it's worth all the hard work to know that what we do means everything to our rescues. 
(Sadie and Keisa)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Caden!

As you all know, each and every one of our rescues is precious to us. But every once in a while a rescue touches our heart in a very special way. Caden is one such rescue. Baby Caden was dropped off at a Humane Society in Eastern Oregon. We got the call that a captive born cougar needed a home. We had no idea what to expect. What we found was a 12 week old cub who was emaciated and could hardly lift his head. When we saw him we were shocked at his condition and immediately took him in for an exam.
His blood work came back positive for Panleukopenia. We were stunned and frantic. The next two weeks were a blur of IV fluids, special diets, vet visits and 'round the clock care between three of us. We all worked at regular jobs so we took shifts watching over this fragile baby. I don't know that any of us got much sleep, but we couldn't imagine the thought of losing him. And somehow against all odds, Caden pulled through.  But his trials weren't over yet. A week after he chewed off his IV catheter, I noticed when he walked, his back end would slip and he'd fall. At first I blamed it on him being weak, but after a few days, I knew something was wrong. We scheduled a visit to a Neurologist and took him in for a CAT Scan and MRI. The conclusion came back, neurological damage due to Panleuk.

There was nothing we could do. We were devastated, but through it all, little Caden continued to play and eat and thrive. Surprisingly, this tenacious cub didn't seem to be bothered by being wobbly or falling, he just got back up and kept going! It was then that we realized that even though he would always be a 'special needs' cougar, we could give him the quality of life he deserved and had worked so hard to survive!  Today Caden is one of our biggest cougars, and while he is unsteady on his feet when he walks, he can run like the wind and loves his two cougar buddies, Leo and Cody!  Every day is a good day for Caden and he's taught us a very important lesson in never giving up!  There are always challenges in rescue work, but because of Caden, we've learned we are making a difference each and every day :)   Happy Birthday Caden, we love you!
Read Caden's Birthday Wish :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

oh dear

DJ isn't eating. One of our older cougars, DJ has severe arthritis from living on cement for many years before coming to WildCat Haven. We do all we can to manage his pain, but when he stops eating, we know it's time for a change in meds. This time we were so concerned we decided we made an appointment to take him in to the vet clinic.

Not an easy task, but one we needed to do. Once we got there, we had x-rays taken and blood pulled to see what could be determined. The x-rays showed what we already knew, his front elbows are in bad shape. Even at a healthy weight of 125 lbs. the wear and tear on his front legs is hard on him. We took him home and hoped that the blood work wouldn't show any major problems such as kidney failure. When we got the results we were thrilled that his blood work looked good! So we are trying some new approaches to his pain and are hopeful that we will see him respond by eating and getting back to his old self.

We will also be talking to an Orthopedic Surgeon to see if something can be done to address the arthritis instead of just medicating it. DJ is so dear to all of us and we will do everything in our power to give him the best quality of life we can. It's what we do for all of our precious rescues. And isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Don't even have words . . .

Seriously?  Man finds young cougar cub near poultry pens, gets gun and shoots to kill?
How is this ok? Why is it necessary? Does Oregon have such little regard for wild life and for cougars? The cub from the photo could not have been older than 6 months.  A threat? I'm horrified and disgusted and outraged that this is what we can expect from Oregonians. Ok, so I do have a few words, but none I can print.

(Cookie-safe at WCH)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Does it even matter?

I heard some very upsetting news a few days ago. Someone posted a link of a Serval  found in New York, dead (road kill) on the side of the freeway.  Unbelievable. And as horrible was that was, when I read the article I found that the person who allowed the serval to escape and be hit by a car was the same person, Glen Donnelly, that WildCat Haven helped implicate and convict of buying endangered species.

Seriously? I can't even begin to imagine how it is that a convicted felon is able to even own an exotic cat after being sentenced, but his backyard zoo has 48 exotic animals and nothing is done to stop this?  I'm so frustrated and angry that this is allowed to continue. And who pays the price? seems to me it's always the cat .  .  .