Saturday, September 4, 2010

Does it even matter?

I heard some very upsetting news a few days ago. Someone posted a link of a Serval  found in New York, dead (road kill) on the side of the freeway.  Unbelievable. And as horrible was that was, when I read the article I found that the person who allowed the serval to escape and be hit by a car was the same person, Glen Donnelly, that WildCat Haven helped implicate and convict of buying endangered species.

Seriously? I can't even begin to imagine how it is that a convicted felon is able to even own an exotic cat after being sentenced, but his backyard zoo has 48 exotic animals and nothing is done to stop this?  I'm so frustrated and angry that this is allowed to continue. And who pays the price? seems to me it's always the cat .  .  .

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