Thursday, September 9, 2010

oh dear

DJ isn't eating. One of our older cougars, DJ has severe arthritis from living on cement for many years before coming to WildCat Haven. We do all we can to manage his pain, but when he stops eating, we know it's time for a change in meds. This time we were so concerned we decided we made an appointment to take him in to the vet clinic.

Not an easy task, but one we needed to do. Once we got there, we had x-rays taken and blood pulled to see what could be determined. The x-rays showed what we already knew, his front elbows are in bad shape. Even at a healthy weight of 125 lbs. the wear and tear on his front legs is hard on him. We took him home and hoped that the blood work wouldn't show any major problems such as kidney failure. When we got the results we were thrilled that his blood work looked good! So we are trying some new approaches to his pain and are hopeful that we will see him respond by eating and getting back to his old self.

We will also be talking to an Orthopedic Surgeon to see if something can be done to address the arthritis instead of just medicating it. DJ is so dear to all of us and we will do everything in our power to give him the best quality of life we can. It's what we do for all of our precious rescues. And isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

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