Monday, January 31, 2011

Just makes sense . . .

Salem Friends of Felines has done amazing work over the past seven years finding homes for over 4000 and counting, domestic cats. Jeanie Sloan, one of the original founders has been a dear friend of WildCat Haven even before SFOF's doors opened.  She told me about a three legged tabby that had been returned to them and needed a home. Of course, we can't resist a special needs cat so I headed down this morning to meet him. Over the past years Jeanie has somehow always managed to make room for domestics that we can't keep and I was excited to be able to help her at least a little :) As I walked into the shelter I was touched by the obvious love and care that the animals are receiving. It's a small place but they are doing so much good, these amazing women, working so hard to change the world for the animals they care for! Clean, tidy and filled with warmth and kindness, it's the kind of shelter that makes you feel good when you walk in the door. Anyway, it's no surprise that I left this afternoon with two special needs cats :)  Ivan, the beautiful three legged tabby and Shadow, a sweet Siamese with only three legs who sometimes doesn't use a litter box. It felt good to be able to bring them home, especially after everything Jeanie has done for us.  Working together makes all the difference, and I'm so grateful to Jeanie and the wonderful work that SFOF does each and every day :)

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