Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A loss is never easy . . .

Back before WildCat Haven, back before BoBo the bobcat, back when life was as close to normal as it got, my son snatched a kitten from the neighbors across the street. Now any normal mom would be upset and explain to him that we can't go around stealing animals from other people. But poor Ian has a far from normal mom, and I'm sure at some point we were high fiving over what he did :) We had been watching that poor kitten being carried around by the neighbor kids, upside down, by her back legs, getting dragged around and just roughed up. I don't remember the circumstances exactly, but when I got home from work that next day, that little kitten was in our house with Ian and I couldn't have been more proud of my son :) 

That was almost nineteen years ago and a lot has changed in that time. Ian's mom still isn't normal, WildCat Haven was born and in it's 10th year of rescue. Ian is married with a wonderful wife and has a son of his own. That little kitten, Binker, has been part of our family and then Ian's family for 15 years. As she got older, it made sense for her to come live at the sanctuary, where we could keep a close eye on her and give her the medication she needed. Over the past year she has really started to show her age, and the last few weeks have been especially tough. Ian has recently been able to spend some time volunteering at the sanctuary and  yesterday he and Binker shared a hamburger at lunch and reminisced about old times :) It made me realize that even as time passes the bonds we create are still strong.

Today the decision was made to help Binker pass to the other side and free her from the tired, worn-out body that held her incredible spirit.  Knowing it's the right thing to do doesn't make it any easier, but it seems the right decisions never are.  Hugs to you Binker, may you roll in catnip and chase spiders to your hearts content :)

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