Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Cha-Cha!

(Cha-Cha & Chirpy)
Cha-Cha came to WildCat Haven via the Oregon Humane Society. His owner for some reasons or another had to leave the country. Falsifying paperwork that stated that Cha-Cha was a Savannah cat, the authorities at PDX stopped her from taking him on the flight that she had booked. Unstead of re-booking her flight until she could make different arrangments, she called OHS and signed over custody. She was very specific, telling them if they couldn't find a new private owner for him, euthanize him. Then she boarded the plane leaving his fate in their hands.

Thankfully the folks at OHS did a on-line search for 'serval rescue in Oregon' and WildCat Haven came up. They contacted us and we were happy to take him in. 
He was such a sad boy when he first came to us, but when we introduced him to his new friend Chirpy, he was in heaven :) They snuggled together, played together and napped together. It was so good to see him happy after all he had been through. Two years ago we took in another serval named Uche from CA. and now all three live together.  They are the three amigos and it does my heart good to see how bonded they are to each other. Every morning I find them cuddled together in one of the den boxes, safe and cozy :)

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