Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wish it wasn't so

I can wish as much as I want, but it doesn't change things. Sir's results came back negative for a urine infection. Usually this would be good news but for Sir, it isn't. It's telling us, we can't blame him being under the weather because of anything we can treat and make better. It's simply not the case. After years of poor nutrition and health issues, it's starting to catch up with him. At fourteen years of age, he's getting to be an older gentleman and with it comes problems, especially with kidney functions.

For now he's doing great, getting an antibiotic to make sure we catch any bugs we may have missed, and lots of subq fluids to hydrate him. He's got a healthy appetite and seems to enjoy being on the front deck quarantine area. He can see everything that goes on around the sanctuary, watching the dogs run around, the sheep grazing and listening to the other residents, chirping and talking. It's a pretty good life and I think if he could talk, he'd tell me not to worry so much. Not sure that's something I can do, even for him.

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