Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wildcats are not appropriate pets

Many folks know that WildCat Haven is a sanctuary for captive born wildcats and hybrids that were at one time purchased as pets. But what many don't know is we are also home to fourteen domestic cats. Domestic cats that have found their way here through many different reasons. Feral cats with no where to go, special needs cats and even cats considerable "un-adoptable" simply because they didn't like to be held. Now we find we're at our limit, but the calls keep coming. The longer we do this work the more we realize just how critical Spay and Neuter programs are.

Also in our line of work we see breeders continue to breed hybrids for the people who want a more 'exotic' pet. All the while shelters are filled to the brim with incredible, amazing cats who will die simply for lack of space. It's a tragic testament to our society that thousands of healthy, adoptable animals will die, while breeder continue to breed. It's frustrating, inexcusable and just wrong.
 WildCat Haven believes in appropriate animals as pets and we urge everyone to support your local shelters. If you can't adopt a new furry friend, please consider supporting Spay and Neuter programs, for shelter animals and feral cats. It takes education, awareness and a desire to make a difference, so please join us to help make that difference in the lives of these wonderful creatures. Be sure to check out the following video that I found on youTube that shows just how fabulous cats are and how they're the perfect companion for everyone :)

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